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Bolivar Coronas Gigantes

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Bolivar Cigars
Origin:CubanManufactured: Hand Made
Format:Julieta No. 2Ring:47
Weight:15,07 gr.Score:8.9
Presentation: 2 Layers in a Box of 25

Average user rating

Review #6: Wow!! I've smoked several hundred cigars in my time, but I've never come accross anything like this! Right from the beginning you know it's bolivar with that unique flavour; bold and musty, yet still refined. From the first puff you understand why Bolivar is said to be the strongest flavoured brand. The smoke, though, is thin and wiry. The flavours; leather, rough earth, sandy, gritty almost, and extremely strong. I was fully expecting to feel quite nautious (nicotine) after this cigar, enjoying it too much to put down, however the strenght of flavour was not an indication of nicotine content. At the end I found the flavour so strong I had to stop wafting it in the back of the throat to stop the gag reflex! An enjoyable experience, even if the large Bolivar's are just not my flavour. However, reading the other comments here I suspect Bolivar is still suffering from a lack of consistency. - Submitted by peanutaxis on August 31, 2004

Review #5: A very good cigar. Lots of chocolate flavour, more mellow than the Romeo Churchill. An easy smoking cigar for a hot summer's evening. Cheers. - Submitted by Bejamquinn on June 21, 2004

Review #4: I agree wholeheartedly with Chambolle's review on this "thoroughbred!" It's one hell of a ride! My cabinet of 50 is from April '03 and is one fine Habano! I have a dress box of "BCG's" as well and they were so scrumptious that I sprung for the cabinet. Glad I did. These are incredible cigars; A ton of smoke and a ton of flavors. They're begging for age and I really ought to lay off of 'em for a few years (smile). Only smoked 2 so far and I am some kind of looking forward to these in about five years! Wow! - Submitted by Shooter on May 28, 2004

Review #3: Light? Reddish brown? I have these in cabinets of 50. The wrappers are deep colorado maduro. When young, these cigars were like unbroken thoroughbreds -- downright wild and dangerous, almost too strong to smoke. After a few years in the cabinets, they have finally settled down a bit. The result of some maturation is an extremely rich, leathery, musky, heady and strong cigar. In this large format, of necessity it starts out slow, not showing much as it builds to the second third. But by then, this becomes a powerhouse cigar. Excellent draw and a lush volume of smoke. I can see holding these in cabinets for a decade or more. They will only improve, but they are certainly quite a ride right now. - Submitted by chambolle on May 9, 2004

Review #2: Very good cigar. Plenty of cedar, wood and some earthiness. A bit lighter then one would expect from a Bolivar. Good burning qualities and a very nice redish brown wrapper. Tobacco is nicely matured. - Submitted by Jim on February 19, 2004

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Bolivar Coronas Gigantes

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