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Cohiba Piramides LE 2001

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Cohiba Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Weight:14,26 gr.Score:8.8
Presentation: 2 Layers in a Box of 25

Average user rating

Review #13: Feels good in the hand and tastes great. so smoooooth throughout, it never got hot. Great construction. The best thing is knowing it will only improve with age. Buy several, you will thank yourself for it later - Submitted by ereper on June 28, 2004

Review #12: it's out of cohiba line, more like hoyo style i think. i found a box of them, and try a stick immediately, have big burning and draw problems, a bit acidic taste, but sign of superb aroma... then i've tasted another one after 10 days, burning and draw problems gone,never felt acidic taste, super burnt chocolate, caremel notes and a lot of aroma never a hot smoke creamy mild smoke... what a improvement. i cant imagine how that improve whit months or years!!! buy them if you can find. only disappointment with them inconsistent contraction quality, but it's not affect on taste. - Submitted by King Erc on June 16, 2004

Review #11: Thick, creamy, beany flavors. When I smoked one during the launch, the ammonia flavors were noticeably annoying. After some box age, these cigars have improved beyond my expectations. Stock up wherever you can find them as they will age amongst other Classics in CA magazine. - Submitted by Rogndd on April 12, 2004

Review #10: Rare and magnificient torpedo. Perfect design and construction. Notes of pepper and chocolate. Moreover, it really looks beautiful... - Submitted by Sergent Mojito on March 4, 2004

Review #9: This by far has become my favourite smoke. Easy draw, well crafted and fantastically even burning. I found this cigar to be not as harsh as a maduro or as biting as even a Cohiba Robusto. Smooth and even taste throughout with a hint of leather, coffee and chocolate. These are the perfect accompaniment after a fine meal or a night out. Truly outstanding! - Submitted by unknown on February 13, 2004

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Cohiba Piramides LE 2001

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