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Cuaba Divinos

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Cuaba Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Format:Petit BouquetRing:42
Weight:6,09 gr.Score:6.9
Presentation: 2 Layers in a Box of 25

Cuaba Divinos Review:

These Cuabas are the strongest among the four models. If they are not aged, the main impression could be a bitter and woody taste but, with at least five years of ageing, the flavours tend to be closer to the Romeo style and the tangy fruity sweetness is present. With its strong woody aftertaste, this cigar looks like its ageing ability is splendid.

Average user rating

Review #79: Got this stick from FinestCubanCigars.com and used my perfect draw tool once to open it up a bit before lighting. It took a couple of minutes to open up after the light, but that's to be expected from a small perfecto vitola. Once it got started though it had deceptively large volumes of smoke for such a small stick. Even burn and good draw, medium+ to Bold flavors. Heavy earth, wood and leather with a hint of pepper spice. Very traditional cigar flavors here, not much else going on, consistent flavors throughout the smoke. Fun size to puff on, love the vitola, but I prefer slightly sweeter cigars. Solid 6 out of 10. - Submitted by smitte3 on September 11, 2019

Review #78: Got this stick from FinestCubanCigars.com and used my perfect draw tool once to open it up a bit before lighting. It took a couple of minutes to open up after the light, but that's to be expected from a small perfecto vitola. Once it got started though it had deceptively large volumes of smoke for such a small stick. Even burn and good draw, medium+ to Bold flavors. Heavy earth, wood and leather with a hint of pepper spice. Very traditional cigar flavors here, not much else going on, consistent flavors throughout the smoke. Fun size to puff on, love the vitola, but I prefer slightly sweeter cigars. Solid 6 out of 10. - Submitted by smitte3 on September 4, 2019

Review #77: They are good. Often too tight. But the tobacco is very smooth and creamy if you get a good run. - Submitted by artguy90291 on August 8, 2019

Review #76: ---   很不幸的,我的這支一開始也是非常緊的一支,幾乎抽不動;試著把吸口剪多一點,還是一樣,那就是本質的問題了。看到別人有類似的經驗,這也是我對牠的第一印象。 沉沉的泥土味與木味,古雅幽鬱,抽太急時會有辣味苦味嗆到,但緩緩小口地品嘗,有時還真得到一點香的甜頭,難怪說陳年5年以上會有豐富的果香(tangy fruity sweetness)是可以想像得到的;是不錯的味道沒錯,有品味的感覺。大約過了半公分後,就紓緩多了,不再那麼緊了,順多了。口味確實很重!沒有經驗的定會不適應,要小心品啜才好。牠的苦味並不是令人討厭的苦澀,反而是一種蠻有餘韻的苦甘。很特別,不易形容。一定要耐性細細品味才好,也就不會嚐到辣味。牠的甜有點焦糖或黑糖的感覺,蠻雅致的,風味絕佳,歡喜嘗鮮的饕客,不妨試試。和牠第一次的邂逅正好是夜晚,寫此 review 時。很適合夜的深邃與謐靜。 燒得不盡理想;但自己略會修正。灰也不結實,會崩落,接著便熄火了。 總評:韻厚味深香沉苦甘;必須要用心、用閒來品味的佳餚。雖然短,急不得,所以也能享用許久。切忌大口朵頤,只宜淺嘗輒止。 這支也是在Havana Puros雪茄店買的唯一一支,店家酵養依然不錯,只是一樣不知(也沒問)是哪一年份的就是了。在下是2013年6月開始碰雪茄的,經驗不下3、4百支,數十種。感恩感恩 南無阿彌陀佛 - Submitted by oscarsun72 on December 27, 2017

Review #75: ---   Bad experience. Very tight almost unsmokable draw it becomes very boring, annoying and tedious to smoke it. The aromatic palette is very limited. The taste is decent but there's no evolution during the smoke. With the same money, or less, you can buy products that are way superior than this one. - Submitted by BlooD87 on January 12, 2017

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Cuaba Divinos

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