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Partagas Shorts

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<< Serie P No 2Super Partagas >>

Partagas Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Weight:7,46 gr.Score:8.4
Presentation: 2 Layers in a Box of 25

Average user rating

Review #24: Very complex...One of my everyday favorites!...IMHO the best breakfast cigar to enjoy with a great cup of freshly roasted coffee!...Peppery and slight vanilla overtones..Exquisite medium strength and everchanging flavors that pack so much variety of flavors in such a small cigar - Submitted by rookie139 on February 14, 2005

Review #23: Un'ottimo sigaro stupendo, anche per me che sono un neofita tra tutto quello che ho provato in questa vitola non ho trovato eguali. - Submitted by unknown on February 4, 2005

Review #22: Don't know who's smoking this in fifteen minutes but it is a great cigar. One of the best short smokes for your buck. Always a good draw and no disappointment in flavor. I will always keep these on hand - Submitted by cookieboy364 on January 10, 2005

Review #21: My favorite short smoke. Needs at least a couple of years to age to get the most out of it. Short, intense and full of substance. Old school Partagas. Undforunately, too many cigars these days are getting weaker as blends change. The perfect cigar whenever time is limited. - Submitted by rogndd on November 15, 2004

Review #20: This one's got a lot going on for such a small smoke! Tons of earthiness, cedary notes, peppers, spice, and that distinctive Havana twang. These should be in everyone's humidor! Perfect for when it's cold out or time is short. - Submitted by Black Plague on November 6, 2004

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Partagas Shorts

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