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Fonseca Delicias

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<< CosacosFonseca No. 1 >>

Fonseca Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Machine Made
Weight:6,9 gr.Score:6.4
Presentation: Two layers in a box of 25 wrapped in cedar

Average user rating

Review #52: OCT 14 什麼短茄芯,本來就很好,一派清涼,今天適7-Eleven前有人先在內蔭處抽菸,我坐外直照太陽,則一杯冰咖啡及一根Fonseca Delicias正好清涼相濟,相得益彰。清新的花果香甜,實在芬鬱舒暢。通體都好,燒得也棒,只有中後段略斜燒補了一火。只是味道變化不大,又偏甜蜜,抽多了可能難免會膩,但偶而一支,絕對是無上佳餚!何必品牌迷思、價位奢望哩!前天到手,今天就抽,據盒底印記,才是14年10月ELU的茄,養也沒啥養,出廠也未滿一年,就能有如此表現,怎不讓我歎賞。至全好處我可以給到94、96分而無慊,到末尾想到抽多了會膩,變化又較少,口味較單一,便略減色二分了。然而即使抽到末端只剩不到1cm處,仍沒有任何苦辣澀等不適口的窘味出現,通體依然忠於清新恬雅的甜,怎能不為之而激賞;直到燙手,不得不棄置了;然則即使單調是牠的缺點,至此也意外成了突出的表現了。以前可能是因為被人說到某茄,好像是Rafael Gonzalez Panetelas Extra不如 Perlas 或 pc 好的緣故是因為pe的是短茄芯,就對短茄芯的沒啥好感--只覺得便宜沒好貨,不意近來直抽 Por Larranaga Panetelas 和此支,在在證明只要肯放下成見,就不會有啥好啥壞的偏見了。也在在體驗到一個品茄的真理,雪茄,真的是支支不同,不僅是款款不同;還沒入口的茄,說得再美,也未必其美,損得再差,也未必其差。如 Guantanamera Cristales 亦是如此。cigars-review這裡的得分竟然只有2分,其實我抽完了一盒25支,也沒有一支可以給這麼低的分數的;倒是買了一盒Seleccion Robustos ,可能是年代久遠(NOV 04),保存不當,其中的 H d M 和R y J 的在最近抽了都差到極點,毫無滋味、乏善可陳到可以給個2分、4分都還不覺得過分了。實實在在,雪茄適口為上!敬告諸真喜愛雪茄的同好,而不是湊熱鬧的外道。南無阿彌陀佛 - Submitted by oscarsun72 on July 4, 2015

Review #51: OCT 14 Good small cigar, good value for money. This cigar is very sweet and is very tasty. Mild and elegante is ideal for a short indoor smoke. I am know smoking them in a daily basis. - Submitted by joaozinho30 on April 29, 2015

Review #50: Burned evenly and consistently with excellent draw. Found 75% of it very mild with next to no complexity or flavours. Near the end of the smoke some roasted nut flavors did appear but it was brief. For a cheap cuban, it has no harshness or horribly bad characteristics. Don`t expect much of it however... Basic and Bland... - Submitted by bb121 on February 17, 2015

Review #49: Good little Cuban better than most Cuban Tubos. Bought mine for $5.55 CAN. Wrapper is a quite rough, but to be expected. Flavor is a mild woody and vegetal with some leather. Aroma is nice and sweet. Experianced no pepper or harshness. - Submitted by wesman1010 on November 6, 2014

Review #48: A decent value cigar, nicely presented in it white paper wrapping. Simple tobacco flavour slightly nutty and hint of leather. This is not a complex cigar that will overload your taste buds, but is a nice quick smoke or beginner. - Submitted by scox23 on September 22, 2013

This cigar spans 12 pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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Fonseca Delicias

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