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Fonseca KDT Cadetes

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Fonseca Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Weight:5,43 gr.Score:6.6
Presentation: 2 Layers in a varnished Semi Boite Nature of 25

Fonseca KDT Cadetes Review:

This hand-made is the smallest of the Cuban brand. If you have ever tried Fonseca Cosacos, this one is quite similar, but the flavours are a little bit overwhelmed by the tobacco taste. Like the rest of Fonseca models, its packaging is curious, wrapped in rice paper.

Average user rating

Review #47: I bought a single and smoked straight after purchase. It could have been an excellent cigar if I had let it rest at slightly lower humidity as the draw was poor. Pity as it was very balanced, with nice roasted nuts, coffee an earthy aromas. To try again. - Submitted by titobueno76 on June 4, 2024

Review #46: Pleasant, uncomplicated flavors of cedar and nuts. The high possibility of an overly tight draw should be noted, though. - Submitted by Yennefer of Vengerberg on November 26, 2020

Review #45: Again, I had a good Cadetes - simply but wood and cedar flavoured. 45 minutes smoking slowly. - Submitted by Heinrich on August 27, 2019

Review #44: ---   非常有power、質感的一支短小細茄。不塞、煙足、韻厚、味醇。真是細小茄的首選。之前嚐過的 Cohiba Panetelas 、Flor de Selva Siesta、El Rey del Mundo Demi Tasse 都被比下去了,會有一股衝動想一次進手兩盒以備日常享用。當然您得喜歡 Fonseca 這個特殊的調調(花草蜜甜)才行。仍是其一貫的主軸基調。 Cohiba Panetelas 的味韻當然勝過此支,但會塞(Demi Tasse也是),且其性價比,是遠遠不如此支的。 現在回想起當初購入 Flor de Selva Siesta ,一下衝動又買了一盒,實在很蠢。因為細細省思, Siesta 仍不免非古的煙氣噁心,且心中一直有著調味過的疙瘩(從橫切面看,牠的茄中總間雜著一些深褐色的小丁塊,疑似調味劑)。但 Cadetes 這支絕對不會這樣,質感、質地真可謂天淵之別。那種古巴特有的蒸騰醇厚的蘊味,較諸名茄大咖一點兒也不遜色。真可謂麻雀雖小五臟俱全,洵乃嘗鼎一臠之佳作。 8-9分 - Submitted by oscarsun72 on June 17, 2018

Review #43: ---   Purchased in 2006 for 1.65 Euro in Segovia España, this Cuban Fonseca KDT Cadetes cigar was put aside and forgotten for 10+ years in a Montecristo Tubo. Since found and in a humidor for 4 months it was time to smoke it. Given the "history" of this cigar, I am not sure I can give it fair judgment other than 40 minutes of good burn/ash/draw. Strength and flavor similar to a Dominican Romeo y Julieta 1875. - Submitted by Douglas B on March 24, 2017

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Fonseca KDT Cadetes

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