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Guantanamera Decimos

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Guantanamera Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Machine Made
Weight:5 gr.Score:3.2
Presentation: Semi Plain Box: (With cellophane) Boxes of 5 and boxes of 25.

Average user rating

Review #20: There is a mistake.Length and ring of COMPAY and DECIMOS are reverse. I think that Compay is not every day cheep cuban. - Submitted by sanivet on April 8, 2008

Review #19: what the s***... it was horrible. It seems a cigarette of burning paper. To reviewer n.15: hahahaha! - Submitted by andry75 on March 20, 2008

Review #18: J'ai voulu donner une chance à ce produit peu couteux. Et bien pour le prix, j'ai ete servi... Quel subtile arome de savonette! POUAHHH!!! J'ai du faire un lavement de bouche et prendre 3 ristreto, pour effacer son horrible gout! Mieux vaut encore fumer une Marlboro. - Submitted by haleakala on March 3, 2008

Review #17: Don't spend one coin for this one. I would say that...nowadays, you just have what you paid for, not more. But maybe you like aromas of wet dead leaves ? - Submitted by StillDaSame on February 13, 2008

Review #16: We found these cigars to be a very mild smooth smoking cigar. A short smoke, far exceeding a "cheap" smoke in the states. Light and draw were adequate for a machine rolled cigar. Flavor was buttery and tasteful. Burned well, and smoke has a pleasant aromatic scent. A nice, remarkable, and inexpensive product of Cuba. - Submitted by jtull01 on January 13, 2008

This cigar spans 8 pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8

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Guantanamera Decimos

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