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Montecristo Montecristo Especial No. 1

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<< Montecristo D LE 2005Montecristo Especial No. 2 >>

Montecristo Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Format:Laguito No. 1Ring:39
Weight:10,29 gr.Score:8.8
Presentation: 2 Layers in a boite Nature of 25

Average user rating

Review #23: AUG 00 100% agree with the top review. He said it better than I could. A fantastic cigar. Perfect construction and wonderful flavors. Fruit flavors? Fruit flavors... - Submitted by cigar-sama on May 4, 2009

Review #22: JUL 98 At last, I bought an aged box, and o boy o boy, they answered to all my dreams. Tastewise, can find myself in tampa 1257 description, it's just one flavourbom, not 1 draw a bland one... super easy steady draw, very mellow smoking feeling througout the cigar. Have 23 left, I think this box will go pretty quickly... but with great pleasure! - Submitted by Yapi on January 18, 2009

Review #21: Ένα υπέροχο κόσμημα, τυλιγμένο από ντελικάτα δάχτυλα. Όμορφο toasting άρωμα και ένα τέλειο μείγμα από γεύσεις καφέ, δέρματος, κέδρου και μπαχαρικών, αλλά με υπερισχύουσα αυτή της βανίλιας που περιοδικά επανέρχεται. Ένα πούρο, πραγματικά "μεγάλο", αληθινό κομψοτέχνημα! - Submitted by cipu on November 19, 2008

Review #20: --- 98 These look pretty cool, languid and graceful with there pig's tailed heads. I bought a '98 box of 25 and they're beginning to lose their edge. A complete absence of tannins. But the flavors are classic Monte: fruit, mushrooms and nutty chocolate. - Submitted by archie on October 21, 2008

Review #19: Inconsistent - construction was an absolute nightmare on the last one of these that I had smoked - about as bad as anything I've ever experienced. Bought half a box and most are quite good, but wanted to give a balanced review of the good and bad aspects of this cigar. All in all, I do not think it stands up well when compared to the Partagas Serie du Conn. #1, which, although its much stronger in flavor, is perfectly constructed and much more consistent in my experience. - Submitted by Goldenberg on August 3, 2008

This cigar spans 9 pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9

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Montecristo Montecristo Especial No. 1

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