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Montecristo Montecristo No. 2

View all Piramide Cigars    

<< Montecristo No. 1Montecristo No. 2 Gran Reserva 2005 >>

Montecristo Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Weight:14,26 gr.Score:8.3
Presentation: 2 Layers in a Box of 25

Average user rating

Review #205: Smoked one of these piramide yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by the finesse of this smoke. Colorado-maduro wrapper, perfect construction, pre-lit aroma nutty and toasty, pre-lit draw perfect. Once lit first third gave a nutty-roasty aroma that made me ungry, second thrid sweet chocolate, floral hints and cedar mixed with undertones of coffee. Last third very round smoke, with increase in strenghth. Never harsh nor bitter. Draw perfect throughout. Even burn. A lot of smoke. Really a good cigar. I will surely buy more. 9 stars! - Submitted by Edmundo on June 29, 2008

Review #204: i havent smoked one of these in about a year until the other day when i smoked one a buddy gave me at a party...PERFECT..the taste was exactly what my idea of fine cuban tobacco is..will be adding this to my regular list along with the Short Churchills, Partagas Lusi's, and Punch DC's - Submitted by sause2112 on June 21, 2008

Review #203: OCT 06 Had one of these with a good friend yesterday. OCT06 is the production date, and by far a very good cigar. The pre-light draw was excellent, and once lit, the cigar burned evenly all the way down without needing a single re-light. Notes of coffee, cedar and wood were present all along this beautiful cigar. I have 2 more waiting to be smoked and I plan to enjoy them. - Submitted by Lucky Break on May 25, 2008

Review #202: Έχοντας κάνει αρκετά M2 από διαφορετικές χρονιές, προσπαθώ ακόμα να καταλάβω γιατί αυτό το πούρο παραμένει ένα αξιοσημείωτο μέγεθος στο συνολικό υποσυνείδητο των απανταχού εραστών του πούρου, δίχως να υπάρχει η αμφίδρομη ανταπόκριση του σε τόσο υψηλά standards. Επειδή αυτό συμβαίνει για το σύνολο σχεδόν των Montecristos, κατέληξα στο συμπέρασμα ότι πρόκειται περί κάποιας ομαδικής αυθυποβολής και ομαδικής αυταπάτης. Η συγκεκριμένη πυραμίδα είναι αναμφισβήτητα πιο φτωχή από τις άλλες αντίστοιχες Αβάνες. Ακόμα κι όταν την "πέτυχα" στην καλύτερη κατάσταση της, με απογοήτευσε σαν κάτι που το ορέγεσαι αλλά πάντα το βρίσκεις επίπεδο και κατώτερο του αναμενομένου. - Submitted by cipu on May 19, 2008

Review #201: OCT 07 Only wanted to risk a box of 10 as recently I have been dissappointed. These are the best #2's in quite a long time. Med uniform colour and roll, ok draw and a return to the flavour I generally associate with this smoke. The other boxes I have had in the last 3 years have had very dark, oily patchy wrappers which look like they are going to be great but haven't been. Goes to show can't always judge by the look. - Submitted by ian on May 14, 2008

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Montecristo Montecristo No. 2

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