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Montecristo Robusto LE 2006

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Montecristo Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Weight:11,66 gr.Score:7.4
Presentation: Cigars are packaged in unvarnished Semi Boite Nature Boxes with brooch comprising 25 units.

Average user rating

Review #16: I have to say that more I try this cigar and more I like it. Difficult for me to understand people that don't like or appreciate it. Anyway world is nice because is various. - Submitted by spawn on June 16, 2007

Review #15: Of all of the 2006 LE cigars, this one needs aging the most. Although the montecristor flavor is present in this cigar, the overall taste is quite bland. At this point in time, I would rate this cigar to be average (6.5). - Submitted by M. Jen on June 11, 2007

Review #14: I must say that upon seeing this cigar I thought I was in for a treat when I decided to purchase one. I was very dissapointed. The only noticable about this cigar, was the acrid burning. Perhaps I got a dud, but I doubt it. - Submitted by Tender Bones on May 15, 2007

Review #13: I can say that I have found this cigar extremely pleasant, powerful and full of taste. The right one with the right aging will give a great experience. - Submitted by spawn on May 14, 2007

Review #12: I have mixed feelings about this cigar. When you compare it with Cohiba Robusto there is not much that lets this beat the Cohiba. Its creamy,good burning time and beautiful taste in the middle but quite frankly "not so Edicion Limitada". Good in summer I guess. - Submitted by FLCB on May 13, 2007

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Montecristo Robusto LE 2006

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