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Montecristo Robustos Millenium

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Montecristo Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Weight:11,66 gr.Score:9.2
Presentation: 25 cigars packaged in a decorative ceramic jar

Average user rating

Review #42: I bought my Montes 2000 in 2004 and resisted opening the jar until 2007. My experience with ELs and other aged cigars has been that time does them good. I was not disappointed. This was a cigar that was head and shoulders above most others. I have been smoking for over 20 years and in the last 10, mostly super premium only. This was the second best cigar ever (all time) for me. Better than the Cohiba Piramides EL 2006, better than the Siglo VI (and those were incredibly good), better than the Hoyo Piramides El 2003. The only cigar that I have found as complex, as full of indescribable mix of flavors, was a Cuban Davidoff in the 80's before they broke off with Cuba. This cigar assaulted all my senses, smell, taste, touch, sight. It looked great, felt great, smelled great, and tasted of caramel, vanilla, with hints of leather. It was good at light up and got better and better through to the nub. Most cigars are good only in the precious second third, not this one. This one was the real deal, a 9.7-9.8 I have smoked ten up to now and they are all consistently great. I don't give it a perfect 10 because I have to leave room for the Monte Sublime EL 2008 that everyone is raving about. I will be getting those next month when I travel to Spain. Reviews should be limited to your insight into the cigar, limit argument over fakes, etc. If it looks bad, smells bad and smokes bad, it's a fake. All Cuban cigars that I have smoked in the last five years are good to great. The worst (of the major brands) is merely good. I recently smoked a San Cristobal Muralla and it blew me away. Didn't expect much and got a wonderful smoke out of it. The only lousy cigars being made in Cuba today are the machine made short filler cigars such as Guantanamera, the handmade long filler cigars are all good. - Submitted by jblanc197 on November 15, 2008

Review #41: I have to agree with #40 and #38 although I have never had the pleasure of smoking one of these cigars I did make the mistake of once of ordering cigars from Costa Rica because the price was so low. You get real boxes and real bands and fake cigars. Don't waste you time unless you need to impress someone who wouldn't know a Havana from Tampa. - Submitted by Richard Rose on November 4, 2008

Review #40: the 2 places i buy cigars from are,Cuban Lous and puroexpress.never had a dud and superb service off both companies - Submitted by paul watson on November 2, 2008

Review #39: I feel victim to a counterfeit jar. Paid $450. The counterfeiters have this down to an art. The jar, labels, even boxes are the real deal. The cigar is a work of counterfeit art- clear down to the triple cap. But when you light it up its a dud. Fortunately I sent the jar back ( to COSTA ROCA) and called my credit card company to dispute the charge. The merchant refused to refund which tell you something- but the credit card company refunded it anyway. This is a high dollar cigar- dont be fooled by a low price as it wont be the real deal. - Submitted by neuticles on November 1, 2008

Review #38: If you got them from Costa Rica you got fakes , especially online deals . Sorry man ! Costa Rica does not have legit dealers . Anybody who ever was there knows that . Big cigar stores stucked up with fake cubans ! - Submitted by marius on October 10, 2008

This cigar spans 10 pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Montecristo Robustos Millenium

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