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Partagas Habaneros

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Partagas Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Machine Made
Presentation: Semi Plain Box: (With cellophane) Boxes of 25. Cardboard pack: (With cellophane) Boxes of 25 (discontinued in 2002) and boxes of 50; (With and without cellophane) boxes of 5 in boxes of 25 and 50.

Average user rating

Review #18: Tried a well aged one from Habanos store in Tehran (Iran). Very enjoyable, earthy and not that peppery, sweet with notes of cocoa, coffee and very creamy. Short smoke perhaps but very well worth the try. - Submitted by hrgerami@hotmail.com on March 20, 2013

Review #17: The price for a box of 25 is between 80 and 100 $ it depends the contry and in canada its more than 100 $ - Submitted by joem87 on March 19, 2013

Review #16: ---   I have no reniew. I want to order Partagas Habanbra shorts and want to know prices of 3, 10, 25 and how packaged, please. - Submitted by Lady Holderness on October 8, 2010

Review #15: FEB 08 Call it cigar sacrilege, but I think Coca-Cola goes best with these, on ice or mixed with whatever you fancy. They're that spicy. A very intense little customer. Construction is very tight nine times out of ten, and it makes you work for your smoke. However, considering the punch that what little you do get packs, it's just not rational to want any more than you're given. Wrappers are often bumpy, though rarely rough, and waterspots are common, but then it doesn't claim to be a looker. Well worth a shot if you like Bolivar and are feeling brave. - Submitted by tjdavies on October 5, 2010

Review #14: MAR   Box MAR 09. Small stick from Partagas ist very enjoyable cigar. Dark brown wrapper.Earthy and peppery throughout, coffee. Spice overwhelming taste.Pleasant aroma.No problem with burn. - Submitted by kml on June 14, 2010

This cigar spans 5 pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5

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Partagas Habaneros

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