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Punch Petit Coronations

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Punch Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Weight:6,72 gr.Score:6.5
Presentation: 2 Layers in a Box of 25

Average user rating

Review #32: JUL 11 剛收到一盒,期待也久,忍不住先嚐鮮了。結構並未像大眾所說的那麼差,我這第一支很通順,煙量也足,並不會塞管。只不過牠的味道實在是可怕極了。我初還以為自己沒品嚐精準,後來一口再一口,真的愈來愈失望。讓我直接想到 Partagás Chicos 給我的第一印象,直覺就是機器捲製的風味。甚至 Guantanamera Cristales 都比牠要像支雪茄,當然結構上比這支要粗糙多了,但風味上,這支只能算是大菸或大煙,真的是大菸,不是小雪茄。曾經聽說叫雪茄作大菸的,我一直不認同,認為那是兩個不同領域的層次,差太多;但這支,真讓我服了這種稱法。完全沒有雪茄的風格或品位。抽的過程中好幾次想要把牠放棄,擱下,現在,也真擱下熄火了。這支嚐不到任何雪茄的味道,那種純釀、醺醉、蒸騰的美味,只有菸味,苦、澀、辛、衝,無一不足。尼古丁還是焦油量恐怕也不小。真的,有煙癮的過一下煙癮,解一下癮頭真的是很適合。雪茄一般都是建議一次享用完的,可這款可真的不必,隨時可以放下,再抽,我想也不會再差到那裡去了。我不知道為何有人說牠的味道還很棒。也許不是我的口味罷。真的不建議浪費錢在這支身上,如果你沒癮頭的話。2011年份的,雖然是年中七月出廠的,但我也不曾有這麼早的茄,開始還很興奮,難得買到這麼「陳年」的茄,將近滿三年了,沒想到只是期望愈高,失望愈深的空歡喜罷了。不敢想像 Punch 竟然會出這樣的雪茄,雖然 Partagás 也出了 Chicos ,沒什麼好意外的,但人家那款至少也還是機器製的,無可厚非;號稱手工捲製的,仍是 Habanos S.A. 出品的,怎麼會是這樣? 葉莖葉脈很明顯,表面也不平滑,粗糙,質感很明顯就是機製一派的水平。唉,還包著鋁管呢。真的被牠的包裝給賣了。害我原本打算以此作為日常應景一時的小茄,不料現在第一個念頭就是趕緊再去補一款真正像樣的小茄了。這個小,指價錢上的小;不是品質上的。繼續抽完我還沒抽完,又一時無法下嚥的 Punch Petit Coronations T.A. 吧。唉~ - Submitted by oscarsun72 on June 21, 2014

Review #31: JUL 08 Buenos dias, excelente cigarro de una fumada de 45 minutos con una fortaleza media pero muy sabrosa. Las unidades probadas se presentan ya en tubo verde. Recomendado a cualquier hora del dia. - Submitted by tomasdiego on January 3, 2013

Review #30: ---   smoked on vacation right out of tube and so the draw was hard,Ok flavour but will not buy again. - Submitted by Mile on July 19, 2010

Review #29: ---   A good 40 mins smoke, construction is fine, good draw, quite smooth, earthy and a bit sweet with little spicy finish. short after taste. - Submitted by shs on June 12, 2010

Review #28: ---   A bargain cigar, I picked mine up for 4.05 euro at my local tobacconist in Madrid. It was well constructed with a particularly attractive cap. I used the three match method to light it and enjoyed each mouthful of flavoursome but not especially thick smoke. The only downside on this one was that it went out with about 10 minutes of burn left on it. I decided not to re light it and was left with a pleasant experience. I would describe the taste as slightly sweet with a sort of caramel, light chocolate note. A cigar I would recommend. - Submitted by JamesE90 on February 25, 2010

This cigar spans 8 pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Punch Petit Coronations

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