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Punch Petit Punch

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Punch Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Weight:5,91 gr.Score:7.9
Presentation: Banded bundle of 50 in a varnished slide-lid box.

Average user rating

Review #5: This is a very nice perla cigar, ideal for the Sunday morning coffee. The pressed boxed version that I have bought from Switzerland, are very expertly constructed with smooth even burn. Slow burning, they last around 30 minutes. They tend to get hot, as with all small cigars, so one has to be very careful not to spoil the taste. Its a complex full bodied cigar with the classic, rustic Punch tastes. It gives the smoker a feeling of strngth, fullfillment. Highly recommended. - Submitted by Dimitris in Athens - Greece on July 9, 2005

Review #4: A very enjoyable small smoke. Full flavour, medium body, classic Punch flavours of peaty earthy tobacco, cinnamon, fruity and spicy. Doesn't burn as hot near the nub as some other "Perlas" such as Monte or Diplomaticos #5. Too small for a late evening smoke really, so best as a quick early in the day smoke for the connoiseur. - Submitted by A. Dyer on February 19, 2005

Review #3: overall, an enjoyable taste and aroma for the veteran. i recommend that you have somewhat good navigation, as far as knowing your way around the cigar, only because you will find yourself in a rutt if you don't. I give this cigar a seven, only because its taste varies too much throughout the "experience". I would reccomend spending your hard earned dollar towards this smoke. You will not be disappointed. - Submitted by rjcarmine on February 17, 2005

Review #2: This was the boxed version. Not a very typical punch cigar. Very peppery and strong tobacco flavours at the beginning developing into a sweeter and creamier smoke near the end. Mild to medium strength. A little hot perhaps but quite slow burning, they seem to last between 20 and 30 minutes. Very tarry taste near the nub. Easy drawing though generally construction isn't great but it's not bad either. Quite a long finish. Reccomended to try. - Submitted by willisoften on June 12, 2004

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Punch Petit Punch

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