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Partagas Serie D No. 4

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<< Serie D No. 3 LE 2006Serie D No. 4 Reserva >>

Partagas Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Weight:11,66 gr.Score:8.6
Presentation: 2 Layers in a varnished Semi Boite Nature of 25

Average user rating

Review #281: ---   rinnovata piacevolmente l'esperienza, gran carattere e superba fumata, primo terzo delicato ma allo stesso tempo pieno, evolve in una miscela di note vegetali e terrose, per divenire nel finale in cacao e frutta secca, grande intensità e piacere. debbo dire il mio sigaro ha avuto problemi di combustione nel finale, così come quello di uno degli amici che ha diviso con me quest'esperienza,(eravamo in tre) mentre il terzo non ha avuto problemi - Submitted by goethe66 on October 19, 2010

Review #280: MAY 08 Actually I’m not a great fan of PSD4 but I bought this box (MAS MAY 08) because of nice dark wrappers and perfect uniform color of all cigars. Although that they are way too young I smoked one last night. The cigar started surprisingly mild with distinctive flavor of roasted coffee and wood. Until the very end only subtle flavors of white pepper and roasted nuts arise. Altogether this was straight forward cigar with linear taste which is characteristic for its younger brother PSP2. While not one of my favorite cigars, I find PSD4 interesting enough for purchasing boxes over and over again nevertheless that there are so many better cigars on the market. - Submitted by Diademo on October 5, 2010

Review #279: MAY 08 Smoked one of these from 08 this summer. I am extremely glad that I was able to store some for this long, because I have re-affirmed that his is my favorite Robusto of all time. The wrappers get darker, the cedar and carmel come out, the bitter cocoa becomes sweet chocolate. The burn is fantastic, the smile on my face gets bigger, and the world is a happier place. I will try another one next summer, and post another review. Even if you can't wait, these are perfect stogies right out of the store. My go-to cigar. If you ever can find a LE version, jump on it like a fat kid on a smartie. Thanks Cody! - Submitted by rasta on October 3, 2010

Review #278: ---   After smoking sticks from various boxes, I daresay this is a most excellent cigar. Pure Partagas, full on flavour and spice with a strong nicotine kick. Best enjoyed after a full slow dinner over some fine single malts, particularly an Islay, or even an upper-shelf bourbon, neat and unadulterated. - Submitted by sengjc on September 1, 2010

Review #277: FEB 05 non è il mio formato preferito, ma dovevo assolutamente provare questo sigaro di gran moda, devo dire che il corpo del fumo mi ha inebriato, potente e grasso quasi unge la bocca, cioccolato e spezie a profusione si aprono in bocca insieme al "puff" che sta per essere espulso,sorprendente davvero - Submitted by goethe66 on August 28, 2010

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Partagas Serie D No. 4

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