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Montecristo Montecristo No. 4

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<< Montecristo No. 3Montecristo No. 4 Reserva >>

Montecristo Cigars
Origin:CubaManufactured: Hand Made
Weight:8,46 gr.Score:7.4
Presentation: 2 Layers in a Box of 25

Average user rating

Review #200: I found mine had a very strong coffee flavour. Great built and burned flawlessly. It tasted very good with a Pepsi cola. An amazing 25 minute smoke! However I did find that it got a bit harsh towards the end. I would still recommend it to everybody. Please try it with a can of Pepsi or a glass of rum and cola! - Submitted by ATK63 on February 16, 2009

Review #199: NOV 08 ..το περιεργαζόμουν στα χέρια για κανα 5λεπτο πριν το ανάψω.. ωραία υφή, μαγευτική μυρωδιά, πλούσια γεύση.. αφού το "χόρτασα" σβηστό, ήρθε κι η ώρα να το ανάψω. απίθανο άναμμα (μετά από 15μέρες στον υγραντήρα σε 72% υγρασία), απίθανη αίσθηση απ'τη πρώτη ρουφηξιά! ανάλαφρο μ'ένα cocktail γεύσεων που πραγματικά ήταν ό,τι έπρεπε για το απόγευμά μου.. δεν ήθελα να τελειώσει.. μετά από 45λεπτά παρέας κι ενώ χάζευα τον πλούσιο καπνό να βγαίνει αργά εκπνέοντας και να γεμίζει το δωμάτιό μου ήρθε η στιγμή του αποχωρισμού... το άφησα να σιγοσβήσει αργά στον "προσωπικό του χώρο" πάνω στο γραφείο μου ενώ ήμουν ακόμη υπό την "επήρειά" του.. εις το επανιδείν με τα αδερφάκια του! - Submitted by habasoc on January 31, 2009

Review #198: Tried at least 20 Monte fours, from various - but recent - years, and I can simply say that buying those is akin to playing Russian roulette. Unfortunately in the Monte 4 game the odds are not one in six, but one in two: at least half the sticks are below standard. Plugged, poorly built or foul-tasting. The good ones are classic Montecristos deserving a 9 to 9.5 score; the bad ones are hardly worth anything. So I think 6/10 is a good appreciation of this cigar, considering its varying quality. - Submitted by Franz-Eric on December 20, 2008

Review #197: FEB 08 Had one during lunch. The wrapper was nothing special, though it had a nice textured color to it. The first quarter of the cigar had major problems with burning even, though the taste was excellent, that typical monte taste, a very smooth blend of subtle flavours, perhaps leathery/woody vanilla. This flavour carried on through the cigar, though I did not notice any of the cocoa coffee notes that others have picked up on. in the last third the cigar had major draw problems, which really made my lunch a whole lot less enjoyable. The cigar also burnt real hot and brung about a harsh side to the cigar. I would try more, the monte no.3's Iv had were all perfect the whole way through. - Submitted by antonius on December 5, 2008

Review #196: SEP 07 I ahd smoked 3-4 boxes of M4 before and always kept myself along with this item. once I smoked in yesterday from the bos Sep 07, it still wouldn't let me down. I was so impressed by its aroma, white-ash until my fingers and lips were nearly burnt. I agreed on other reviewers..more age on M4, more amazing you will experience..I still loved this as my daily-item when i only get an hour to enjoy cigar. - Submitted by ericryan on December 3, 2008

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Montecristo Montecristo No. 4

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